I’m cleaning up some files on my computer and I came across a file that contained an advanced kick routine that KJN Dewain Perry had us do from time to time. I don’t know if this is a wider Kuk Sool kick routine or just something Dewain came up with, but it’s certainly a challenging kick sequence.
You start in defensive stance (Bahng Uh Jah Sae)
- Rear leg inside kick
- You’ll end up in offensive stance
- High 360º spin kick
- Low 360º spin kick
- Jump 360º spin kick
- End up in offensive stance
- Switch your stance (back to defensive)
- Popup (front leg) outside kick
- Rear leg roundhouse kick
- Now in offensive stance
- 360º spin kick
- Rear leg inside kick
- Jump inside kick
- End in defensive stance
- Popup side kick
- Popup hook kick
- Spin back kick
- Now in offensive stance
- Jump spin back kick
- Now in defensive stance
- Step through/across 360º spin kick
- Double front kick
- Split kick
- Scissors kick
Don’t ask me to demo it.
Filed under: Martial Arts Tagged: Kuk Sool, Martial Arts